Olivia Emmett Acupuncture

About Olivia

I graduated from Lansdowne college of Acupuncture in 2009 with a Diploma in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine and a Certificate in clinical western medicine. I then went to com­plete my advanced stud­ies in Chinese medicine at the Uni­ver­sity of TCM in Bei­jing, China and to gain clinical experience in the hospitals in Beijing. Since then I have been working treating all manner of conditions from my clinic in Artane, with great success.

My speciality area is Obstetrics & Gyneacology but I do treat a range of conditions.I became particulary interested in the area of fertility through my own personal experience of fertility issues. Through the help of Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine I now have an amazing little girl who I’m grateful for everyday.

As an acupuncturist I realised that not all acupuncturists understand or can treat fertility as It’s a hugely specialised area.

I started to reseach and learn more in the area of infertility. Taking postgraduate courses which specialised in Advanced IVF and assisted fertility with Therese Parsons, Autoimmunity in Fertility with Dr Trevor Wing and the treatment of PCOS. These courses only served to fuel my interest more.

I then completely emersed myself in training and went on to study in London with Dr Trevor Wing, who is a leader in this field. I have completed a TCM Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and I’m now a women’s natural health practice associated practitioner with Dr Trevor Wing.

I am also a member of ACT Dublin ( Acupuncture childbirth team.). ACT is a specilised team of acupuncturist. Treating fertiltiy through pregnancy and post birth.

I specialise in helping many men and woman to con­ceive using acupunc­ture and traditional chinese medicine.

My patients tell me my understanding of what they are going through is of great support.

Olivia is accredited by the Acupuncture Foundation Professional Association, and registered with all major health insurers.


For more information on what we can do for you please contact us.

Fertility Acupuncture


